100 years of diplomatic relations between Luxembourg and Hungary
Posted the 4/9/2024
Posted the 4/9/2024
On 13 March 2024, the Hungarian Embassy in Luxembourg hosted a ceremony to commemorate the centenary of diplomatic relations between Luxembourg and Hungary. On this occasion, Mr. Claude Strasser, Managing Director of POST Luxembourg, presented a souvenir frame containing the special stamp in the presence of Ms. Sára Hegmanné Nemes, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Magyar Posta, Mr. Jean Ries, Honorary Consul General, to H.E. Dr. Tamás Iván Kovács, Ambassador of Hungary, as well as to Ms. Angèle Da Cruz, Director of European Affairs and International Economic Relations at the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
The block and the first day cover (FDC) are available at the philatelic counter (13, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Luxembourg) as well as on the e-shop.

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