Conference : 400 Years of Jean Gaspard de Cicignion
Posted the 10/14/2022
Posted the 10/14/2022
The Municipality of Wintringen and POST Luxembourg invite you to the "400 years Jean Gaspard de Cicignion" conference on Tuesday, 18 October 2022. It will start at 2 pm in the association hall in Niederwampach, 24, Om Knupp.

First, local historian Albert Haas will go into the career and life's work of Jean Gaspard de Cicignon.

Then the internationally renowned engraver Martin Mörck will give us an insight into his profession in general and his work on the new De Cicignion block in particular.

After the conference, the municipality of Wintringen will give out a wine of honour. There will also be a book signing session with Martin Mörck.

This event is a must for all history buffs and stamp lovers.