Special postmark "Christmas 2022” event
Posted the 12/21/2022
Posted the 12/21/2022
In order to give philatelists, collectors and stamp enthusiasts the opportunity to have their Christmas stamps canelled with the special philatelic postmark "Merry Christmas 2022" stamp, POST Philately invited them all to the Guichet Philatélique at Cloche d'Or on 13 December 2022. The designer of the stampsTanja Majerus, who was also present at the event, signed autographs on the spot.

The issue of the festive stamps also has a charitable purpose: for each special stamp sold, POST Luxembourg donates 10 or 15 euro cents to the Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.

The special "Christmas 2022" stamp set is available at the online shop, at the Guichet Philatelic and at all post offices.


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