700 years Peter of Aspelt
Posted the 9/10/2020
Posted the 9/10/2020
Issue date 15.09.2020
When Pierre d'Aspelt died on 5 June 1320, he was one of the most powerful electors of his time. With great political ambition and skill, the son of a simple, non-noble family became a kingmaker and a high-ranking diplomat on the European level.
He is of course very present in the Luxembourgish municipality of Aspelt. Pierre d'Aspelt is an integral part of the cultural heritage of the municipality. It is thanks to his work that the name Aspelt is known far beyond the borders. However, on the occasion of his 700th anniversary of death in 2020, a new Pierre d'Aspelt statue will not be inaugurated until 2021.
Price of the stamp: € 0,80
Original: Detail of a stained glass window in the Luxembourg cathedral
Drawing: Pit and Lex Weyer (L)
Printing: High-resolution four-colour offset printing. Bpost Stamps Factory, Malines (B)
Dimensions: 38,15 x 48,75 mm,
10 stamps per sheet


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