Double victory of POST Luxembourg in PostEurop’s 2022 and 2023 EUROPA stamp competitions
Posted the 10/13/2022
Posted the 10/13/2022
At its General Assembly in Dublin on 5 October 2022, PostEurop, the association representing European public postal operators, announced the winners of the 2022 and 2023 EUROPA  stamp competitions.
POST Luxembourg's "Melusina" stamp, designed by Miriam Rosner, is the winner of the EUROPA 2022 stamp competition, illustrating national stories and myths.
POST won additionally the first price in the EUROPA 2023 design competition on the theme: "Peace: the most important human value". The design submitted by POST Luxembourg will serve as the common motif for the EUROPA stamps issued in 2023 by all postal operators. "The new peace symbol” was created by designers Linda Bos and Runa Egilsdottir from A Designer's Collective.
Isabelle Faber, Directrice des Ressources Humaines, Relations publiques & RSE at POST Luxembourg is delighted by this recognition: "We are both excited and proud that the stamps we submitted won the EUROPA 2022 and 2023 stamp competitions. By giving them the opportunity to create stamps, POST Luxembourg aims to offer national artists a unique chance to showcase their talent, as it is now the case for Miriam Rosner and the design duo Linda Bos and Runa Egilsdottir, in Europe and beyond.”
The "Melusina" stamp is available here at the online shop and at the philatelic counter (13, rue Robert Stumper, Cloche d'Or).

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