Presentation of the 2019 Charitable Stamps
Posted the 11/20/2019
Posted the 11/20/2019

POST Luxembourg had invited in the Printing Museum located at the Kulturhuef in Grevenmacher to officially present the 4 stamps of the charity series 2019. The theme of the 2019 issue was Moselle architecture. The 4 buildings depicted on the stamps are typical examples for the period of their construction. A souvenir frame was given to each of the owners.

Ms Monique Hermes, Echevine Grevenmacher – Motive : Zéintscheier – Renaissance
Mrs. Pütz an Probst from S.I. Wellenstein –Motive : Winemaker's house - Baroque
M and Mrs Cox-Sünnen, Remich – Motive : winemaker's house - Neoclassicism
Mr and Mrs Fritschen-Junkel, Ahn – Motive : winemaker's house - Belle Epoque

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