Introducing the stamp "25 Joer Oppe Grenzen"
Posted the 6/17/2020
Posted the 6/17/2020
On Sunday 14 June, Mr Gaston Bohnenberger, a member of the executive committee of POST, was delighted to be able to present Mr Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Mr Robert Goebbels, signatory of the first Schengen Agreement, with a philatelic souvenir framework.
Indeed, POST Philately has issued on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the implementation of the rules of the Schengen Agreement a stamp bearing the title "25 Joer oppe Grenzen". A ceremony on the forecourt of the European Museum of Schengen, during which this anniversary was commemorated, was the perfect setting for the presentation of the stamp. In his speech, Mr Bohnenberger recalled POST Luxembourg's commitment to the European idea and the regular issuance of stamps on European themes.


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