Delivery of stamps to the National Library of Luxembourg
Posted the 4/14/2023
Posted the 4/14/2023
From left to right : Christophe Marinheiro, Emile Espen, Luc Deitz, Philippe Majeres, Christine Kremer, Claude D. Conter, Isabelle Faber, Kim Krier

On April 7, 2023, Isabelle Faber, director of human resources, public relations and CSR at POST Luxembourg, presented two special stamps to Claude D. Conter, Director of the National Library of Luxembourg (BNL), and to Christine Kremer, Public Relations Manager of the BNL.

Although the first stamp, entitled "New site of the National Library," was published in May 2019, no official handover ceremony was ever organized. Therefore, POST Luxembourg took the opportunity of the publication of the "225 years National Library" stamp to directly hand over the two commemorative frames. Both stamps were designed by the VidaleGloesener agency, which was chosen to produce these stamps at the request of the BNL. POST Luxembourg is delighted that the BNL requested the production of these two stamps, and still considers stamps as a means of giving additional visibility to important anniversaries and events. The stamps are available here!