Stamp presentation of the ‘Christmas 2024’ series
Posted the 12/6/2024
Posted the 12/6/2024
On 29 November 2024, a souvenir frame containing the ‘Christmas 2024’ series was presented by Claude Balthasar, Chef de service Patrimoine & POST Philately, to Tom Paquay, president of the Œuvre Saint Nicolas Wiltz, Vic Weber, secretary and treasurer of the Œuvre Saint Nicolas Wiltz, and Marco Zorzi, the artist who designed the two stamps.

This year's Christmas stamps are dedicated to a moving event that took place in December 1944 in Wiltz, a town in the north of Luxembourg that was significantly affected by the Second World War. To bring some joy to the population, especially the children, two corporals had the idea to dress up as ‘American St. Nick’.

The Œuvre Saint Nicolas Wiltz, founded in 1949, honours the gesture of the American soldiers by carrying on the tradition of the ‘American St. Nick’ every year.

Picture: Marco Zorzi, Vic Weber, Tom Paquay, Claude Balthasar