To the glory of Luxembourg
Posted the 11/24/2017
Posted the 11/24/2017

On the 5th of October, Grand Duke Henri was visiting France, the Dordogne in particular, alongside POST Director General Claude Strasser, POST Philately Chief Emile Espen and journalist Stéphane Bern to witness the printing of three stamps "to the glory of Luxembourg".

It was at the printinghouse of Philaposte in Boulazac that this event took place: three stamps were printed live in front of his Royal Highness.

These stamps each represent an honorific distinction: that of the civil and military merit of Adolph de Nassau, another of the Order of Merit of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the last for the Order of the Oak Crown.

150,000 copies of each stamp will be on sale from 5 December 2017.

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