Frequently asked questions.

How do I download the Smart PostCard app? 
Simply go to the App Store or Google Play and search for Smart PostCard to get this free app from POST Luxembourg. You can start using Smart PostCard as soon as it has been downloaded to your smartphone.

Can I use any photo I want for a postcard?
You must be the owner of the photo you wish to use.

Does POST Luxembourg acquire the rights to my photo if I use it to create a postcard in Smart PostCard?
POST Luxembourg never acquires the right of ownership or the right to publish a photo that you upload. Rest assured that your photos are safe and secure.

What are the dimensions of a postcard created in Smart Postcard?
The dimensions are 14,8 cm by 10,5 cm and the postcard is printed without white frame. Your photo will be sent as a life-sized postcard.

If the app freezes while I'm uploading do I still have to pay?
An app may become unresponsive because of a poor internet connection, because the photo you are trying to upload is too big or because your battery runs down. We ensure that you only pay after your postcard has been uploaded.

Is it possible to send my Smart PostCard to more than one person at a time?
Yes, you can do that. You can enter the address details of one, two, three or more recipients.

Can I send my Smart PostCard from abroad? 
You can create and send a Smart PostCard anywhere in the world. You do not have to wait until you are back in Luxembourg.

Can I send a Smart PostCard to a foreign address?
You can use Smart PostCard to send postcards around the world.

You can pay by credit card (VISA and Mastercard). All payments are processed by Ogone and Cetrel, which ensures that the confidentiality of your payment details is protected.

Can I cancel a Smart PostCard after ordering?
As soon as we have confirmed your Smart PostCard order we start the process of printing, franking and sending your postcard. Because we respond so fast, it's not possible to cancel once your order has been confirmed.

When will the postcard I send using Smart PostCard arrive?
If you send a postcard before 2 pm during working days, we'll dispatch it the same day. That means it will be delivered within the next 3 working days (when sent to Luxembourg).

What should I do if my postcard has not arrived after three working days?
If your postcard has not arrived after three working days you should call POST Luxembourg on +352 40 88 88 40 during business hours.

Credits and registration FAQ

You buy credits online through your basket in the Smart PostCard app on your smartphone. You don't need to create a postcard to do this. The Smart PostCard app on some smartphones does not have a basket. In that case you will have to create a postcard first. The app will automatically ask you if you want to buy credits.

How long do credits remain valid?
Credits always remain valid, even after a price rise.

How do I register when using the Smart PostCard app for the first time? 
After you create your postcard you will be asked to log in. Under the blue "log in" button, click "Sign up".

Why do I have to register when I first use the app?
Registration enables us to offer you even better service: You will be able to use and manage your credits across various devices.

Can I create a postcard without registering?
No, you must register to create and order a postcard.

I have already used Smart PostCard. Does registration change anything for me? 
After registration we can offer you even better service:
- Manage your credits from various devices (smartphone, tablet...).
- When you update the operating system your credits are saved automatically without the need for a transfer code.
- We can answer your queries faster.
-Historic of the cards you send
-Add sender's address

What if I forget my password? 
Click "Forgotten password" on the registration page in the app. You can tap in a new password here.

I want to change the email address linked to my account.
Tap "Change email address". Please note that we will ask you to confirm your email address by clicking a verification link.

I don't see my credits in my account.
Log in. Tap the basket on the right and then "Manage".
Here you will see the remaining credits.
If you are logged in but your credits are 0, you should transfer your remaining credits:

  • Click the link and enter the email address you used the last time you bought credits.
  • Now tap the verification link in the email. Any credits will be transferred to your account.

If you need any help, call our customer service.

Can I use my credits on my smartphone and my tablet? 
Yes you can, provided you log in to the same account.

What is a video card?
A video card is a Smart PostCard where a QR code is printed on.

How addressee can look my video?
The addressee just has to scan the QR code.

How long my video is available?
Your video is available for 12 months.

Important information for iPhone and iPad users
To ensure you have the very best user experience, you should always run the latest version of iOS on your device.


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