FDC - Christmas 2024
FDC - Christmas 2024
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This year’s Christmas stamps do not feature abstract motifs, but commemorate a touching event that took place in December 1944 in Wiltz, a town in northern Luxembourg. 
Shortly after the German troops withdrew after four years of occupation, the inhabitants of the town, which had been scarred by the Second World War, were faced with a sad Christmas. The 28th Infantry Division of the US Army, which was recovering after heavy fighting in Wiltz, recognised the bleak situation and wanted to bring some joy to the people, especially the children.
Corporal Harry Stutz learned about Luxembourg’s ‘Kleeschen’ (St. Nicholas) and decided to organise a pre-Christmas celebration for the children. His comrade, Corporal Richard Brookins, dressed up as ‘American St. Nick’ in an improvised costume made from a local priest’s robe, a beard made from a mop, and a mitre. He drove through the streets of Wiltz to the castle in an army jeep, accompanied by two girls in angel costumes. The children received sweets made from the soldiers’ rations and were allowed to share their Christmas wishes with St. Nicholas.
Unfortunately, Wiltz was badly hit only days later in the Battle of the Bulge, and many residents lost their lives. However, the memory of that special St. Nicholas Day remained vivid. After the war, Wiltz was rebuilt, and the “Œuvre Saint-Nicolas“, founded by local businesspeople in 1949, continues to honour the American soldiers’ gesture by carrying on the American St. Nick tradition each year. 
In 1977, there was another memorable moment when the organisers tracked down Richard Brookins in the US. He accepted their invitation and took on the role of American St. Nick again that year. He participated in the December festivities several times over the years.
  • 2024

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