50 years of "Oeuvre Vie Naissante" [L50g]
50 years of "Oeuvre Vie Naissante" [L50g]
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Presenting perspectives
Up until the 1970s, abortion was illegal in many European countries. It was around this time that the socio-political debate regarding the legalisation of abortion under certain conditions garnered increasing public attention. OEuvre pour la Protection de la Vie Naissante asbl was founded on 27 May 1975. This organisation took a clear position on the issue from the outset and set itself the goal of helping women in need to ensure that life would triumph over death.
The weakest members of the human race are undoubtedly children – both born and unborn. Vie Naissante provides a wide range of assistance to help young women in particular cope with the many challenges they face both before and after giving birth. This assistance takes many forms and includes medical, psychological, material, financial and legal counselling and support.
Milk, nappies and food are provided to those who ask, for example. Members and friends of the organisation donate maternity clothing, children’s clothes and furniture of all kinds. These donations are sorted and prepared by employees who work on an entirely voluntary basis, then passed on to people in need free of charge.
Between 350 and 400 young mothers use the services of Vie Naissante every year.
Price : 1,20 €
Stamps per sheet 10 stamps
Layout : Muriel Moritz (LU)
Printing : Multicoloured high-resolution offset, bpost Stamps Printing, Malines (BE)
Format : 35 x 35 mm
Print run : 30.000 stamps

First Day Cover:
  • 2025
  • Commemorative stamps