Architecture & Mobility
Architecture & Mobility
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From the start it was evident that the series "Architecture & Mobility" should include three stamps each representing a work of art. The design selection was made based on the following criteria:

In keeping with these criteria, Post Philately selected the following three designs:

The artist

Christian Frantzen was commissioned with the artistic reproduction of these designs by Post Philately Luxembourg. Christian Frantzen is well known in the Grand Duchy for his personal style.

In his work, he often chooses subjects such as architecture and urban landscapes.
For Christian Frantzen, his style emanates from realism.

« Graphical representation dominates my work, and there is often a multitude of lines. I prefer to paint architecture, but I also produce works inspired by great cities which form a part of pop art. Here, the image is dominated, for example, by multicoloured publicity posters. »

As for the stamps of the series "Architecture & Mobility", Frantzen, who studied plastic arts, said: The designs were my biggest challenge with respect to this commission. Usually I choose the subjects that I want to paint.
But this challenge was quite thrilling to me and I am delighted by the fact that my style of painting is now found on stamps that will travel the world. »

The original version image for each stamp is an oil painting 80 x 62 cm in size.

« I paint for pleasure and for ambition. »

Drawings: Christian Frantzen (L)
Printing: High-resolution offset by bpost Stamps Factory, Malines (B)
Stamp format: 40.15 x 29.75 mm, 10 stamps per sheet.
  • 2012
  • Architecture

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