The new site of the National Library
The new site of the National Library
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A new building for a New Era.

The objectives of the construction project were to design a sustainably functional and attractive building, of high quality in terms of comfort and energy efficiency, which should stand out as a simple and natural structure. Served by a tram station, equipped with an underground car park and a covered area for bicycles, the library will be easily accessible. The mixture of collections, the heritage preservation activities, a conference and seminar area, as well as a little cafe will make the National Library a venue for exchange and debate.

Price of the stamp: 0,80 €
Layout: Vidale&Gloesener sàrl
Printing: Multicoloured high-resolution offset by Bpost Stamps Factory, Malines (B)
Dimensions: 38,15 x 48,75 mm, 10 stamps per sheet
  • 2019
  • Architecture

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