Box 100 x Tarif Luxembourg self-adhesive [L50g]
Box 100 x Tarif Luxembourg self-adhesive [L50g]
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Postocollants L50g
Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall - UNESCO Global Geopark
The Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall - UNESCO Global Geopark is situated in the eastside of Luxembourg. In April 2022, the region was accepted into the international network of UNESCO Global Geoparks. This is international recognition for the Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall and the work carried out locally at a societal, environmental, and economic level, to protect its special natural and cultural heritage, and to develop the region on a sustainable basis.
Photos: Raymond Clement, Uli Fielitz, Halldora Ragnarsdottir, Yannick Stirn
Layout: vidalegloesener (LU)
Printing: Multicoloured high-resolution offset printing on self-adhesive paper, Bundesdruckerei (DE)
Dimensions: 25 x 30 mm, 100 stamps per box
  • 2023
  • Per unit

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