3. slogan postmark Journée Mondiale de la Trisomie 21
3. slogan postmark Journée Mondiale de la Trisomie 21


Centre de Tri – SIEMENS  CFC (ro1)
from 17/03/20 to 06/04/20- C19

Centre de Tri – SIEMENS  CFC (ro2)
from 17/03/20 to 06/04/20- C19

Since the opening of the automatic sorting and cancellation center, postmarks with promotional slogans can be applied only to address mail that is forwarded through the regular postal channel. Items should be sent to: POST Courrier – Centre de Tri, Z.A. Krakelshaff L-3290 Bettembourg.

  • 2020
  • Slogan Postmark

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