
POST Philately at the Nordposta 2016

POST Philately at the Nordposta 2016

Posted the 4/20/2016
POST Philately was participating from May 8th till 10th in the Nordposta 2016 exhibition in Hamburg. Perfectly well organized, this exhibition allowed POST Philately to meet with its German customers in a very appropriate environment.
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Open doors in Vienna

Open doors in Vienna

Posted the 4/11/2016
POST Philately and the FSPL were on April 2nd the guests of honor at the Open door day at the headquarters of the Austrian philatelic societies in Vienna. Both booths, managed by Romi Nerenhausen and Emile Espen respectively Andrée Trommer and Jos Wolff attracted may visitors. A good day for the promotion of Luxembourg’s philately abroad.
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The Tour and Taxis postal route

The Tour and Taxis postal route

Posted the 3/16/2016
In order to prepare the forthcoming philatelic and tourist event on June 18th, 2016 around the 500rd anniversary of the passage of the postal route through the north of Luxembourg, a working group of representatives of the municipalities Wincrange (L) and Arzfeld (D), the Nature Park Our, the Relais postal Asselborn and POST Philately met on 14 March at the Moulin d’Asselborn for a preparation and coordination meeting.
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Commemorative stamps

Commemorative stamps

Posted the 3/10/2016
In a small ceremony, Mr. Claude Strasser, Director General of POST Luxembourg officially handed over , on Tuesday 8 March, the commemorative stamps to Mr Mario Huberty, president of the Center for Equal Treatment (CET), Mr Robert Biwer, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Mr Jeannot Poeker , President of the port of Mertert.
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Philatelic workshop at the PostMusée

Philatelic workshop at the PostMusée

Posted the 3/4/2016
Children discover the philatelic world by cutting stamp from envelopes, washing them and realizing a collage with these stamps and a postcard. The workshop lasts from two hours and a half to three hours and is for children from five years on, especially for school classes, maisons relais and so on. Animation can be in Luxembourgish, German or French for groups of a maximum of 20 children. Participation is free Information and registration:
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The University gets its own stamp

The University gets its own stamp

Posted the 3/4/2016
POST Philately has issued a stamp titled "The University on Belval Campus". During a small ceremony, Claude Strasser, CEO of POST Luxembourg, handed over the stamp officially to Alfred Funk, the University’s director of administration. The design of the stamp was developed within the University, by Danièle Stoffel-Adam, graphic designer in the Communications department.
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