
Briefmarkenmesse in Sindelfingen

Briefmarkenmesse in Sindelfingen

Posted the 10/29/2015
POST Philately wird vom 29. bis zum 31. Oktober auf der Briefmarkenmesse in Sindelfingen vertreten sein. Das Photo zeigt das Team POST Philately Mitglied Michel Kirsch im Gespräch mit einem Kunden.
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74th Day of the Stamp

74th Day of the Stamp

Posted the 10/28/2015
The 74th Day of the Stamp, whick took place in Rodange, was attended by many visitors. The special post office which had been installed for the occasion was happy about the numerous interested clients.
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Official presentation of the 3 stamps issued to commemorate the reopening of the Wiltheim wing.

Official presentation of the 3 stamps issued to commemorate the reopening of the Wiltheim wing.

Posted the 10/23/2015
Michel Polfer, Director of the national History and Art Museum, received Claude Strasser, Generaldirector of POST Luxembourg, on the occasion of the official presentation of the 3 stamps issued to commemorate the reopening of the Wiltheim wing.
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Stamps series „The 3 natural reserves of Luxembourg”

Stamps series „The 3 natural reserves of Luxembourg”

Posted the 10/7/2015
During the official presentation of the stamps series „The 3 natural reserves of Luxembourg” the General director of POST Luxembourg had the great pleasure to hand over to the Minister of the Environment , Mrs Carole Dieschbourg, and the representatives of the 3 natural reserves the traditional souvenir frame.
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Philatelic counter

Philatelic counter

Posted the 9/14/2015
The philatelic counter has been moved into the hall of the Luxembourg-Center post office. The entry is now in the rue Aldringen. On the photo : Romain Mozimann in charge of the philatelic counter.
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Gala Tour de France in Esch-Belval.

Gala Tour de France in Esch-Belval.

Posted the 8/4/2015
The personalized stamps and postcards related to the Gala Tour de France from POST Philately were bestsellers on this 18th edition of the Gala.
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