
Presentation of the "Bréifdréieschkalenner 2015"

Presentation of the "Bréifdréieschkalenner 2015"

Posted the 7/7/2015
The President of the Postal Workers' Union, Eugène Kirsch, presented the postal workers calendar 2015, distributed to all households in Luxembourg and created by Pit Weyer, at the Centre for Documentation and Research on Forced Enrolment (CDREF) in Hollerich. This presentation, boosted by the presence, amongst others, of numerous patriotic associations, also launched the philatelic exhibition containing the 29 stamps issued by POST Luxembourg in remembrance of the Second World War.
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73rd Day of the Stamp at Esch/Alzette

73rd Day of the Stamp at Esch/Alzette

Posted the 7/7/2015
POST Luxembourg and the Philatelic Society of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg organised the 73rd Day of the Stamp on 25 October 2014 at the Lycée Technique de Lallange in Esch/Alzette. This was an opportunity to present the 2015 issuance programme in which POST Philately highlights its modern outlook through the multimedia ranges and the design of the stamps. POST Luxembourg's managing director, Claude Strasser, was pleased to note that more and more artists are showing an interest in stamp creation and design.
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Presentation of the "20th Anniversary of the Inclusion of Luxembourg City's Old Quarters and Fortifications on the List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Presentation of the "20th Anniversary of the Inclusion of Luxembourg City's Old Quarters and Fortifications on the List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Posted the 7/7/2015
Lydie Polfer, Luxembourg City's Mayor, unveiled the "UNESCO, World Heritage" souvenir sheet in the presence of the artist who created it, Ben Carter, and officials from the LCTO (Luxembourg City Tourist Office). She was pleased to report that this creative medium is an additional means of promoting tourism in the city. In fact, according to POST Luxembourg's managing director, Claude Strasser, Luxembourg City is one of the favourite themes of Luxembourg philately. More than 70 stamps have covered aspects relating to the capital. On the photo, from left to right : Mr Claude Radoux (councillor), Mr Tom Bellion (LCTO), Mr Claude Strasser (POST Luxembourg), Mrs Lydie Polfer (Bourgmestre), Mr Ben Carter (artist), Mr Marc Angel (LCTO), Mr Emile Espen (POST Philately).
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Walfer Bicherdeeg 2014

Walfer Bicherdeeg 2014

Posted the 7/7/2015
Presentation of the Two New Books "Dat ass Lëtzebuerg! " POST Philately has followed the Luxembourgish editors' lead and has taken advantage of Walfer Bicherdeeg 2014 to introduce its two new books entitled "Dat ass Lëtzebuerg! " Volume 1 is dedicated to traditional jobs and includes a collection of 16 stamps created by the artist Jacques Doppée. Volume 2 draws attention to the Luxembourg heritage sites included in the UNESCO lists. "Along with our partner, the Editions Binsfeld, we have created a beautiful product that elegantly combines Luxembourg's heritage with philately", announced Emile Espen, head of POST Philately. "We are hoping this will help us connect with new groups of customers".
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1945-2015 Lëtzebuerg erënnert sech

1945-2015 Lëtzebuerg erënnert sech

Posted the 7/7/2015
On May 5th, Mr. Claude Strasser, Director General of POST Luxembourg, has handed over in the presence of representants of patriotic and philatelic organisations the stamp minisheet “ 1945-2015 Lëtzebuerg erennert sech” to Mr Steve Kayser, Director of the Centre de Documentation et de Recherche sur l’Enrôlement forcé.
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POST Philately at the Spring fair.

POST Philately at the Spring fair.

Posted the 7/7/2015
POST Philately will be present from May 09th to 17th at the Spring fair. Come and choose the most beautiful stamp of the year 2014. Try your luck at the Smart Postcard competition. Special sale of philatelic souvenirs related to the end of World War II 70 years ago
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