
POST Philately stamps at the Luxembourg Design Awards

POST Philately stamps at the Luxembourg Design Awards

Posted the 7/7/2015
At the Luxembourg Design Awards , the independent designer Linda Bos received the trophy in the category "Illustration" for the two Christmas stamps she had created in 2014 for POST Luxembourg.
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Stamp “ Nic Hein”

Stamp “ Nic Hein”

Posted the 7/7/2015
On June 13, Mr. Emile Espen, head of POST Philately has handed over in the presence of representants the philatelic organisations the stamp “ Nic Hein” to Gérard Schumacher, alderman of the municipality of Wormeldange. Sur la photo (de g à d) : André Weber, président du cercle philatélique de Wormeldange ; Emile Espen, chef de POST Philately ; Gérard Schumacher, échevin ; Jos Wolff, président de la FSPL
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POST Philately rewarded with a 3rd prize at the WIPA GRAND PRIX 2014

POST Philately rewarded with a 3rd prize at the WIPA GRAND PRIX 2014

Posted the 7/7/2015
The block of stamps "80 years FSPL" was awarded the 3rd prize in the prestigious international WIPA contest. POST Philately congratulates the creator of the block, the talented Anne Mélan and feels delighted for the Federation of Philatelic Societies of Luxembourg for which the block was issued because of its 80th birthday.
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The most beautiful stamps 2014

The most beautiful stamps 2014

Posted the 7/7/2015
…and the winners are… ermittelt durch die Besucher der Frühjahrsmesse 2015: 1. «175 Jahre Unabhängigkeit des Großherzogtum Luxemburg» 2. «50-jähriges Bestehen der HMC-Liga» 3. «50. Jahrestag der Thronbesteigung Seiner Königlichen Hoheit Großherzog Jean»
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Présidence luxembourgeoise du Conseil de l’Union européenne

Présidence luxembourgeoise du Conseil de l’Union européenne

Posted the 7/7/2015
On July 3rd , Mr. Claude Strasser, Director General of POST Luxembourg, has officially handed over the stamps “Présidence luxembourgeoise du Conseil de l’Union européenne” to Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission. Mrs Lydie Polfer, Mayor of Luxembourg-City, Mr. Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister and Mr Etienne Schneider Vice-Prime Minister were also present. Sur la photo (de g à d) :, Monsieur Claude Strasser , Madame Lydie Polfer, Monsieur Jean-Claude Juncker, Monsieur Xavier Bettel et Monsieur Etienne Schneider
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Handing over of gifts at the Foyer de la Philatélie

Handing over of gifts at the Foyer de la Philatélie

Posted the 7/7/2015
Mr Jos Wolff, President of the FSPL, and Mr Emile Espen, Head of POST Philately, recently handed over gifts to the about 40 collectors who participated in 2014 in the exhibitions that took place in 6 post offices all over the country.
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