
POST Philately celebrates the success of the F91 Diddeleng by issuing a personalized stamp

POST Philately celebrates the success of the F91 Diddeleng by issuing a personalized stamp

Posted the 9/21/2018
On 20.09.2018, the day of the very important football match F11 Diddeleng against FC Milan, POST Philately issued a personalized stamp to celebrate the recent successes of the team. The picture shows the handing over of the souvenir frame at the post office in Dudelange.
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POST Philately participated in the Treveris 2018 exhibition in Trier

POST Philately participated in the Treveris 2018 exhibition in Trier

Posted the 8/3/2018
POST Philately took the opportunity to be present with a promotional and sales stand at the Treveris 2018 exhibition in Trier. As part of the 200th birthday celebrations of Karl Marx, born in Trier, POST Philately issued a stamp showing the portrait of young Karl Marx in front of his birthplace.
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POST Philately supports Astroid Day

POST Philately supports Astroid Day

Posted the 7/20/2018
The Astroid Day, an initiative that tries to raise awareness of the dangers that could have the impact of a large astroid on the earth and to promote the countermeasures to be taken, produced on June 29 a live television broadcast transmitted in the whole world from the studios of RTL / BCE. POST Philately has for this occasion issued a special stamp. This gesture, which was greatly appreciated by the organizers and the participants, was the subject of an interview with Emile Espen, Head of POST Philately, during which he was able to give information on the choices that led to the selected visual. Pour la photo: de g à d. Emile Espen (POST Philately), J. Randolph Evans (Ambassadeur américain), Rusty Schweickart (astronaut), Marco H. Fuchs (Direkteur, OHB System AG), Johann Dietrich Wörner ( Directeur Général ESA) , Ian Carnelly ( Programm Manager ESA)
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Posti hands a check to small artists

Posti hands a check to small artists

Posted the 7/4/2018
As part of POST's bi-annual philatelic design contest, Posti recently visited a class of schoolchildren (4.1) at Albert Wingert School in Schifflange. Indeed, the entry form of this class was a winner in a draw between all the participating classes and had won by this means the sum of 500 €. We are sure that young people will have lots of good ideas on how to spend this pretty good money.
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The Philatelic counter has settled in Luxemburg-Cloche d'Or

The Philatelic counter has settled in Luxemburg-Cloche d'Or

Posted the 5/31/2018
Since May 29, the Philatelic counter has opened in Luxembourg Cloche d'Or, 13 rue Robert Stümper. The opening hours remained the same, ie from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00 from Monday to Friday. Our agents are waiting for you in a larger, more user-friendly environment entirely dedicated to philately.
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A stamp block issued in honor of John "Herkul" Grün

A stamp block issued in honor of John "Herkul" Grün

Posted the 5/31/2018
Emile Espen, Head of the Philatelic Service, had the honor of handing to Mr. Lex Delles, Mayor of the City of Mondorf-les-Bains the stamp block issued for the 150th birthday in honor of John Grün. He was in his time the strongest man in the world and he was precisely born in Mondorf-les-Bains.
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